Publications by E-Team
What Technology Tools Promote such Extreme Learning?: Analysis of Technologies Used in Extreme Learning Websites
Eulho Jung, Minkyoung Kim, Yurong Wang and Curtis J. Bonk
Elearn Conference Proceeding, 2011
Extreme learning explores how people learn or teach with technology in unusual or unique ways outside traditional educational settings. In an age of open education where anyone can learn anything from anyone else at any time, Internet technology has greatly contributed to extreme learning. But research on how Web-based extreme learning has improved human life and promoted human learning is relatively scant. This paper is a report on the findings of a study based on 135 websites collected by research group members and the ratings of these websites based on eight criteria. Twenty high ranking websites were analyzed to see what and how technology tools are employed to the improvement of extreme learning.
Finding Anything Extreme? Analyzing the Learning and Development Potential of Extreme Learning Websites
Minkyoung Kim, Eulho Jung, Yurong Wang, Abdullah Altuwaijri
Proposals accepted at AERA Conference (Vancouver, Canada: April 13-17, 2012)

The advancement of learning technology during the past decade or two has broadened the possibilities for online learning both in formal as well as informal settings. With a focus on the latter, research in extreme learning explores how people learn or teach with technology in unusual or unique ways outside of traditional educational settings. The purpose of this research, therefore, is to offer some insight into where and how the cutting-edge technology for educational purposes in authentic learning environments takes place. Researchers collected and evaluated 135 extreme learning websites under five main categories using 8 structured criteria. The results for different types of extreme learning are compared. In addition, the top 20 rated extreme learning Web sites are introduced.

Just How Extreme is Adventure Learning? An Analysis and Comparison of Adventure Learning Websites
Justin Whiting, Curtis J Bonk, Minkyoung Kim, Eulho Jung, Xiaokai (Katie) Jia, Matthew Callison, Verily Tan
Proposals accepted at AERA Conference (Vancouver, Canada: April 13-17, 2012)

Extreme Learning is an emerging area of research that is related to adventure learning and other types of non-traditional learning. Extreme Learning explores the way that people use technology in novel, unique, or unusual ways in a variety of settings to change some aspect of their lives. As a first step in our research, 135 Extreme Learning Web sites were identified and an in-depth analysis of the content of the Web sites was conducted. Each site was independently rated by four team members according to eight predetermined criteria. This presentation will focus primarily on the Outdoor/Adventure Learning Web sites that were identified. Other Web resources categories that were rated include Online Language Learning, Virtual Education, Societal Change/Global Learning, and Other/Miscellaneous.

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